Andrew  McAlorum

  • Title / Position: Digital Projects Librarian
  • Organization: University of Toronto
  • Website:
  • Twitter: @ajmcalorum

Andrew McAlorum is the Digital Projects Librarian at University of Toronto Libraries, Information Technology Services. He is a project manager and web developer of digital humanities and digital curation projects, including Soviet Samizdat Periodicals, British Armorial Bindings, Representative Poetry Online, Heritage U of T, and DEEDS. He also manages the Journal Production Services and Open Conference Service at U of T Libraries.

Addendum: Andrew will be starting his new role as Head, Digital Initiatives at University of Waterloo Library in August.

  • Gaming the Library


    How can libraries incorporate gaming and gamification into their services? Join this talkathon, brainstorming session, scrum to generate ideas. The Library as Hackerspace has gaming as a core component. And how do we follow the lead of social networks like Steam, Foursquare, Untappd, GetGlue, and Fitocracy by implementing game mechanics such as Achievements, User Points, and Badges to increase user engagement, quality, and ROI? Help plan the library of the future!

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